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Per year in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+8Posted:2018-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: year after yearyesteryearsolar yearcalendar yearevery yearfrom year to yearyear by yearmake every effortMeaning: adv. by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received). 
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(151) Metformin, also sold under the brand name Glucophage, costs about $100 per year, and "looks to be the safest" of the drugs, the study's lead author told the Associated Press.
(152) What is the number of days of processing per year? Number of hours per day?
(153) Recent estimates indicate that the collection of arrestee and detainee samples may exceed one million samples per year.
(154) The above position includes a gross salary of RMB 24000 per month before deductions (gross salary may vary depending on location), 22 days annual leave per year, and medical insurance.
(155) The company was established in July 2005 and has 300 staffs. The experienced technology staffs are of 70%. The producing capacity of Nasca is over 2000 containers per year.
(156) One acre of seagrass can lock away nearly 8 metric tonnes of carbon per year, which equals the CO2 emissions from a car travelling more than 3, 500 miles (5, 600 kilometres), says Seagrass Recovery.
(157) Given that approximately 300,000 U. S. women per year undergo elective oophorectomy , these findings have important public health implications.
(158) supply company which, according to Gary Henriksen, Argonne electrochemical storage research manager, is able to produce more than 30 million laptop batteries per year.
(159) Results from this report shows that the elm bark beetle appears in two generations per year on elm tree and the winter is passed in last instar larva in Karamay. The female lays 46—75 eggs.
(160) The Auditor-General 's report shows that 1370 Victorians are in urgent need of supported accommodation, and that this number is growing at 4 - 5% per year.
(161) Of the $80 billion investment need per year, approximately $25 billion a year of concessional financing is needed to cover the incremental costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
(162) Total carbon dioxide emissions would increase from 5.2 billion tonnes to 12.2 billion per year by 2050.
(163) Running from May to October, the impressive Stratford Festival operation produces more than a dozen stage shows per year and employs a repertory company of some 150 actors.
(164) Diaspidiotus perniciosis ( Comstock ) occurs 3 generations per year in apple orchards of Shaanxi Province.
(165) More than six million people visit the Eiffel Tower per year.
(166) The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission recommends that beyond this background level, the public limit their exposure to less than an additional one millisievert per year.
(167) By contrast, growth in export volumes in Sub-Saharan Africa averaged only 2 percent per year,( year.html) in part because world trade of the products they export grew at half the rate of growth of world trade.
(168) In five years time, the turnover rate of 20 % per year increase.
(169) In 2008 and 2009 only the DRC and Central African Republic declared over 1000 new cases per year.
(170) In the UK annual expenditure on alternative medicine is US $ 2300 million per year.
(171) In the villages the workers left, a farm family's cash earnings might be a few thousand RMB per year.
(172) Enterprise customers will also have the capability to add additional storage for $3.50 per GB per year.
(173) Financial flows to developing countries from carbon market finance may well rise to $50 billion per year by 2030.
(174) Today they sell over 500 million dollars per year of rare and collectible numismatic coins and gold, silver, and platinum coins and bars to collectors and investors.
(175) "If this technology is commercialised, we can save up to 450 million yuan (US$60 million) per year in energy costs used to produce industrial phytase enzyme additives, " Chen adds.
(176) The capacity of tableware is 2,000 thousand doz per year.
(177) Perhaps the storage locker, which provides unlimited cloud storage to users for $25 per year, is the sticking point here.
(178) The plant's rated capacity is 100 000 tons per year.
(179) All three kick down the needle then beating a needle per year.
(180) ABS is the World's largest cattle breeding company with progeny tested 360 Holstein bulls and 50 Color breed bulls per year.
More similar words: year after yearyesteryearsolar yearcalendar yearevery yearfrom year to yearyear by yearmake every effortbleary-eyedyearyearsyearnnew yearyear-endtwo-yearyearlyyear endyearn fornew year'smidyearthis yeargoodyearyearlongtwo-year-oldeach yearleap yearlast yeartwo year oldyearlingyearbook
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